Gabe Garcia: Church Planting in Oakland Update 2

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Update September 16, 2020

As we start to settle into the fall season, prepare for the holidays, and get more accustomed to Zoom School, we want to update you on what’s happening as well as share a few ways you can continue to pray with and for us. 

First, we thanks to all of you who committed to praying and fasting with us during the month of August. We have been so encouraged to hear the stories of people setting their alarm clocks and praying with us daily at 9:38. We believe that God is the Lord of the harvest and we are depending on Him to send laborers to partner with us in Oakland.  We see pray as essential to fulfilling that vision.

Second, we want to thank the many of you who have partnered with us in collecting hygiene kits for the homeless in Oakland. Because of the incredibly generous outpouring of your help, we will be assembling over 2,500 hygiene kits. That’s amazing! We’re praying that as these kits go out, they will carry the love and truth of Jesus to this often neglected and forsaken population. 

During this last month or so, we’ve seen God work in such clear ways. One of the most exciting ways we’ve seen God go before us is by continuing to deepen our relationships with Laurel Elementary School in East Oakland. This is the local school that our kids attend (virtually for now), situated just a few blocks from our home. Over the last couple weeks, we’ve been able to be on campus several days, passing our school supplies and interacting with families.  As we serve the student, we’re beginning to build relationships with families, which we trust will be ongoing. Because of our commitment to serve with no strings attached, it seems that we’re building trust and relational equity with the school administration. In fact, the community liaison from Laurel Elementary, Jamie Williams, recently reached out to us for help in a time of need. 

She sent me this text:

“Good evening. I have a family that has Covid and they have six kids and they all have Covid. Do you guys have any resources to get them Children’s Tylenol? Their grandfather died yesterday of Covid.”

It’s a unique type of honor to be invited into someone’s pain and weakness. Off I went to the store, where I bought six boxes of medicine and about six bags of groceries. Jamie and I met at the family’s house, where we dropped off the “goods.” Obviously we didn’t have much opportunity to interact with the Covid-sick family (you’ll be happy to know), but they were grateful.
Jamie later sent me another text,

“I definitely understand that our families need support. I am connecting with other resources through the district as well, but sometimes it can take days or weeks to get attention. So, I really appreciate your immediate attention and when I ask for a little, you give this community much more. You are a true blessing. Can you send me a little bio and pic of the family and about your church fellowship, so I can let our community know the great work you are doing?”

We’re amazed that though we’ve only been in Oakland for four Covid-restricted, summer months, God has already provided opportunities for us to serve and impact our community in meaningful ways. We continue to pray that as we show the love of Jesus, we’re going to have more and more opportunities to tell others about the truth of Jesus.

Thank you for praying and please know that God does hear and is answering our prayers.


  1. In partnership with CityTeam Oakland and Eastown Church in San Ramon, we hosted our first “Pop-Up Food Pantry” for some of the neediest families in East Oakland! We’re praying we can do this weekly.

  2. We gathered about fifteen people together, adults and kids, none who currently follow Jesus, to help us pack hundreds of hygiene kits for the homeless in Oakland. We’re praying that our relationships will continue to deepen with these friends, that our good works will shine brightly, and that ultimately God will be stirring in their hearts to draw them to Himself. 

  3. Our first prayer walk was a great success. About twenty of us joined forces on Sunday, August 30, to pray and walk the streets of Oakland, dreaming about what God might do through New City Church.

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We’re updating our database and want to make sure we have your up-to-date home address. Please shoot us an email with your address.

Prayer Requests

  1. Set those alarms for 9:38 and continue to pray that God would bring together a team of people who will join us in starting a church with the goal of making disciples.

  2. Pray for relationships to deepen and gospel opportunities to come about as we continue to serve our community through the Pop-Up Food Pantry. 

  3. Pray for creative ways during this pandemic to form intentional gatherings for those investigating and interested in joining our new faith community.

As always, we are humbled and grateful for your partnership, prayers, and generosity as we seek to make “all-in” disciples of Jesus.


Gabe & Kari Garcia

Outreach, TopVintage Grace