25 Ways in 25 Days


Join us this Christmas season in showing God’s love to our community. Pick any of the 25 from the list on our website or do one each day as we post them on social. Let’s be living proof this season!

  1. Sticky Scripture: Tape a verse about thankfulness in a random location around town and stop everyday to pray for whomever reads it.

  2. Feed the Hungry: Donate food from your pantry to a food bank 

  3. Snail Mail: Send a handwritten note to a friend to encourage them

  4. Bake & Take: Deliver cookies to a neighbor  

  5. Learning Lab Love: grab one of our learning Lab boxes from church and fill it up using our list. Return it to church by 12/20 and we will deliver it to a child in south sac who doesn’t have access to the needed items during school lockdown. 

  6. Lockdown Love: Call someone you know who is confined to their home

  7. Prayer Walk: Stroll through your neighborhood and pray over each houses 

  8. Pay it Forward: Pay for the person behind you in line at the store/drive thru.

  9. School Sweets: Deliver a sweet treat to a school in your neighborhood and spend an hour praying for the kids and staff. 

  10. Meal Mania: Take a busy friend a meal to ease the day

  11. Doorbell Ditch: Deliver someone an anonymous gift

  12. Fast to Find: Spend the day fasting for someone who’s turned from God

  13. Grocery Good: Offer to make a grocery run for someone

  14. Look back & Love: Text an old friend and tell them why you’re thankful for them

  15. Holiday Help: Offer to babysit for a young family who could use the break

  16. Positive Post: choose today to make only positive posts on your social media.

  17. List of Love: Choose a family member and send them a list of all the specific things you love about them. 

  18. Fun with Friends: Invite a friend to join you at the VintageGrace Christmas Tree Farm Ornament Hunt! It's free, competitive, good for all ages, and there’s a prize! Open 12/14-12/23 12pm-4pm

  19. Elder Encouragement: Find a way to encourage someone older than you

  20. Hidden Money: Hide  $1+ and a note in a local store for a child to find and spend. 

  21. 838 DoorDash: Purchase a bag of our 838 coffee supporting children in Africa and drop it on a doorstep of someone who could use the love and the caffeine 

  22. Tangible Text: simply send someone a text saying you’ve chosen them to pray for today

  23. Lawn Love: choose a neighbor and mow their lawn or rake their leaves.

  24. Basket Blowout: Assemble a holiday themed basket of goodies for someone in your neighborhood.

  25. Serve a Server: leave a “record setting” tip for your server

Vintage Grace